FaunaClassifieds - View Single Post - How to get started with venemous
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Old 10-23-2005, 05:38 PM   #7
Well I went and got me a copperhead this past spring. Since I couldn't find anyone willing to work with me. Heck i can't even find any local venomous keepers. He was doing fine and still is as far as I know. He doesn't ever attempt to strike except at food. Not that I would assume this to mean it is safe to do anything stupid like try to touch him or not pay attention to him when dealing with him. He has gone off feed right now I am assuming because winter is coming in. I have him at the same temps but he was wild caught so I think he knows it is time anyway. However I will try to feed him once a month and if he starts back I will get him on his regular schedule. He looks fine now doesn't look malnurished or anything so anyway. I am enjoying my first venomous.