FaunaClassifieds - View Single Post - My Simple Savanna
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Old 10-25-2005, 11:35 PM   #4
I only feed f/t mice, rats and chicks. I bet roaches would be a fine addition to the diet. Personally I loathe the things. If they were the best and most nutritious insect food available none of my animals would get any. I won't have roaches of any kind in my house. They absolutely give me the heebie jeebies. Creepy little @#&*!

Good luck with your roach ranching.

I do like to feed him crickets, even though he can eat quite a few at a sitting. Running around trying to catch them is one of the few ways I can be sure that he gets exercise. I call it behavior enrichment.

How do I know my savanna is a male, (some may wonder)? Because he used to flash me regularly. The shameless little hisser. He used to squirt poop on me too. Both of these "greetings" have ceased as of several months ago now. It's a good thing.