FaunaClassifieds - View Single Post - PA: Local snake hunt rattles up new venom toward roundups
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Old 11-06-2005, 08:23 AM   #5
I've been to a couple of those here in Texas. They don't all get released either. They get turned into next years wares.
Really sad they can't just leave them alone. The decline just from mankind encroaching on their native ground is bad enough. Now they round them up from miles around, but when done, do they put them back where they got them, or dump them in clumps, so the natural balance is offset? I think the latter is most likely the case, and does cause harm to natures plan.
I'm all for education, especially where venomous, or highly misunderstood animals are involved. Most of the killing is due to fear, and ignorance anyway, except for the dumb ass machismo type that think they are more manly cuz of it. But it only takes a few animals to do this, not the entire local, or imported stock.
such snake hunts are an anachronism that offer only morbid curiosity for humans and only harm to species of snakes declining in numbers.
That's a good summation.
