FaunaClassifieds - View Single Post - Decided on a bird
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Old 11-16-2005, 10:12 PM   #1
Decided on a bird

Well my daughter did.
After looking at all the different kinds available at the local stores, she has decided she wants a parakeet.
Now for the hard part.
I am looking for a young one. The ones at the store are older even though we were told they were only about 3 months old. Well when you can sex them, they are older than 3 months old. I just nodded and left. Didn't want to mention the cere color or no stripes on the head. Plus, I didn't feel like paying $24.99 for a bird that I get no history on.

So, anyone have suggestions for a breeder? I would rather pay good money and get it from a reputable source and not a petshop.
She liked the white with a little bit of light blue on it.