FaunaClassifieds - View Single Post - Decided on a bird
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Old 11-17-2005, 09:28 AM   #3
Originally Posted by SPJ
I am looking for a young one. The ones at the store are older even though we were told they were only about 3 months old. Well when you can sex them, they are older than 3 months old.
Steve, I think the parakeet (aka American budgie) is a good choice for a kid. That was actually my first bird, too. It is actually possible to sex 2-3 month old budgies once you've raised enough of them. It's still based upon the cere coloring, and the location of some of the coloring. Unfortunately, it's not really something you can describe to someone without having a bunch of young birds in front of you. It's possible that the person at the pet store has enough experience with them to sex them at that age, but I've never met another pet store employee who actually knew how.

In addition to what Lucille said, you might want to check to see if there are any bird fairs/shows in your area. The best place to find a listing of them is usually in the back of a Bird Talk mag. That way you'd be able to meet multiple breeders in person.