FaunaClassifieds - View Single Post - Paul Edwards Reptiles, in Charleston NC...anyone do business with him?
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Old 11-23-2005, 08:04 AM   #8
Originally Posted by romad119
Here is my email when I stated I don't agree with the buyer having to pay the charge for paypal:

From: "Paul Edwards" <peherps@comcast.net> Add to Address Book Add Mobile Alert
To: "Alan" <romad119@yahoo.com>
Subject: Re: #3 female
Date: Wed, 23 Nov 2005 00:41:43 -0500

You obviously have a hot button for sellers paying for the fees so you can do business with them. I stand by my decision, and I think if you were a seller that had an appreciable amount of volume, and I don't know that you don't, but if you were a businessman like I am, I have to believe you'd take a very strong look at the annual loss of revenue for people to not have to go out and use some other form of payment to buy something from you. It is for your convenience that you use Paypal, not mine. It still takes 3-4 business days for your money to reach my account, where I can actually spend the money to buy things like groceries, approximately the same time it would take for the US Postal service to deliver a money order or some other form of payment to me. If you were to overnight the money to me, or if you were to wire transfer the money to me, should the seller pay that too ? According to your thinking, yes. This is the reptile business, were not Sears after all. For you to not do a transaction because of a $6 charge is preposterous at best and not really being reasonable in my estimation. I have to believe you really didn't want the animals; people change their minds all the time, I know I do, and that's fine. But good God man, have the decency to tell the truth and tell it like it is !!! You disagree with the principle ??? PLEASE !!!
Thank you for your time,
Paul Edwards

----- Original Message -----

So now I lie and make reasons up. I guess know one has principles?

His reasoning of it taking three to four days to access the money is lame. He should get a free PayPal debit card, like I did, and he can tap into the money immediatly. And it could easily be argued that PayPal is as much a convenience for him as for the customer. Not to mention that it is a TOS violation to charge a fee for taking PayPal, as well as illegal in some states, and over all bad business. And why charge 3.2% when payPal charges 3% or less depending on the volume of business the seller does....
I agree 100% with you Paul and would have walked away as well, and have taken by business elsewhere in the past for the same reason. Heck, if I se a fee charged for PayPal or CC in an ad i just move on and look elsewhere....