FaunaClassifieds - View Single Post - The serious truth about plants!
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Old 12-01-2005, 10:53 AM   #9
Chameleon Company
Rob, I understand your frustrations

But at the same time I think you need to take a step back, and look at your own question ......
I have been pulling my hair out over this for some time now. I wish there was some one who could really clarify the truth about what plants are okay to use.
..... and then tell us how we would get the information that you would seek? It is nice to have someone able to readily provide you with accurate answers to your concern, and you have gotten good input both here and in the websites that you noted. But unless someone has an experience using a commonly available plant, and then can report accurately that it caused harm or death to their chameleon, what are we to say except that "I had no problem using .......", or "I know of no reported ill effects using ......." In a perfect world, we would have ready access to the plants that these animals frequent in the wild. We don't. Beyond that, we can only give anecdotal information about where we have not encountered problems using those plants most commonly available to us. In my website, I did specifically mention that many lists are not based on such observation, but rather cited information with regard to consumption by mammals, and then shifted the same results to chameleons. Many of the common household plants that we use with our chameleons are on these lists, and I feel that speaks droves for such lists. On the other hand, we have some specific information, as noted by Chris Anderson and others, that doesn't pretend to extrapolate results onto chameleons, but is there for you to weigh. I have quite a few panther chameleons and others, and might have a decent amount of knowledge about 15-20 species of plants that seem to be OK. But neither I, nor anyone else, can afford to set up a large quantity of animals to test them on a wide variety of plants for an extended period of time, and see what does, or does not, happen. In our world, if it ain't broke, we cannot afford the time or cost of fixing it. Several commonly available plants have been used for years by many with no observable ill effects, and they have been mentioned in just about all the literature that you cite, as well as by others in this thread. Maybe some day someone will find the funding to do a doctorate thesis on this subject, and even then the results will be very limited. But for now, you have, and have had, all the information that there is, which is far more than there was just a scant 5 years ago. So stop pulling your hair out (it will fall out when it is ready), look at the information that fortunately is available, and decide! Good luck with all.