FaunaClassifieds - View Single Post - Terri Sommella Fire and Ice Dragons -- Nightmare
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Old 12-02-2005, 11:04 PM   #238
I am sure people are exhausted reading this if they just started it... but since the rules of this site request that we continue on the same thread regarding a breeders... here is the current what I consider poor business practices. I hate spam and spammers and I really hate someone that steals from others to promote themselves

Terri or someone hired by her busniess Fire and Ice Dragons is harversting and spamming email addresses from other reptile related sites/forums/list (bearded dragons mostly) I guess I really should not be surprised. Remember when FLukers did this to launch Reptile Republic and what that lead to? (Anyone that does not know or remember can do a search on this site of Flukers or Reptile Republic and see it)

I and many others were spammed with a copy of her "NEWLETTER" today which is basically a promotional ad for her dragons for sale, her registry that she wants people to pay her to register their animals on and this is driectly from the newsletter after announcing she is the president of it, but forgets to say she invented it and is the one that is pocketing the money for this service
provides registration and pedigree services to those collectors and purists seeking to raise the bar for the personal collections and the reptile industry as a whole.

Anyway, Spamming is a nuisance, stealing emails from others is being a thief.. whether you do it or hire someone to do it for you. I know they stole them from other sites as one of the "newsletters" I got from her/her representative was addressed to another Yahoo list that I moderate one, so came to me as the owner, so you know they sure did not sign up to receive email from her. Here is the header that came to me and at least a dozen others I know of and the return email to unsubscribe.

To: pogona-owner@yahoogroups.com
Subject: Dragon Tracks: December, 2005
From: "lisa voglesonger songbird productions" <dragonmama@optonline.net>

No Idea who Lisa Voglesonger-songbird productions is, but assume that must be who she hired to spam us all or harvest the emails from other sites from and put the newsletter together

Then comes the body of the Newletter, which is kind of funny as the majority of it is raving about herself, her CMPR registry and her dragons, but many links do not work, the one for what is available titled:
"For the Discriminating Buyer: Now Available"
takes you to this link: http://www.emailbrain.com/rwcode/ OOPS, I do not think they sell dragons there!

which is the name at the bottom of the email as Powered by Emailbrain and
Songbird Productions - 1675 Jockey Creek Drive, Southold, 11971, United States
which is probably the spam service she used, since the UNSUBSCRIBE LINK is to this:

I do wonder if it was them who stole the emails with her paying them or her who stole them and supplied the emails to them. I can not imagine why if someone paid attention to what they were doing, they would send ANY to me, but then they may not have noticed it was me since they thought it was going to a yahoo list owner.

PLEASE BE CAUTIOUS OF THIS PERSON, look at what they are doing, have done and ask yourself if this someone you can trust your money and time to?