FaunaClassifieds - View Single Post - Can someone please help me?
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Old 01-04-2006, 03:56 AM   #17
No wonder!
Yes i hold him everyday (hmmm i can almost say every minute!)
Since i live in Malaysia... the weather hmmm its ok for my Vitto (I named it Verdito but call it Vitto tho lol) its like 24 at night (The cage is in my house during night) and up to 30 in my house but the outside temperature can be as high as 35! (mind its in C not F )
I take Vitto for a walk once every two days or so and he behaves well outside but turns like a brat when we return home lol Damn hes so cute! I was wondering....
If you could find me a photo of the water bowl for it to drink? I put the water in a small round-shaped container but I think he never drinks it.