FaunaClassifieds - View Single Post - Deal With Andre Of ASF Reptiles Gone Bad
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Old 01-16-2006, 04:21 PM   #7
Well, at the very least the buyer needs to supply you with pictures that prove the snake in question is dead. Also, he would be wise to have a necropsy done on the animal. You know, in case it has some sort of disease that perhaps seems to be an RI, but really is much worse. I'm not saying that is the case Paul, I am just making the point that, with a high end collection like ASF is supposed to have, it would seem odd to me if they did not have a necropsy performed asap to find out what killed that snake. I would want to know if it had some sort of problem that killed it, I would be paranoid that the possible problem could have been passed around my collection to other snakes. Hmm something just doesn't make sense here...