FaunaClassifieds - View Single Post - Deal With Andre Of ASF Reptiles Gone Bad
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Old 01-16-2006, 04:49 PM   #10
Chameleon Company
Hey Paul,
Thanks for deciding to post the identity here. I have a couple of posts in the other thread, and will leave them there. I agree with some of the other posts here that the cause of death is something that is important. Just not important to the issue at hand, which is your liability, or the threat of the BOI to compel a refund. There are two sides to every story, and I would like to hear if ASF intends to dispute the chronology as you have it listed. Barring some TOS, side agreement, or other such relative information, just notifying you of a possible concern two days after receipt does not extend any TOS to infinity, or five weeks, especially if the buyer did not take agreed upon and prudent steps to attempt to cure the problem. As the seller, you have an absolute legal right to be included in a possible remedy if you were to extend a guarantee. The buyer cannot arbitrarily decide what is prudent, extend the TOS, and then tell you how things are going to be, or what you owe beyond the initial agreement under which the deal was transacted, unless there is a statute which trumps all. That remedy is usually to send the animal back, or to put it under an agreed upon medical regimen which is supervised by a qualified individual, in most cases a vet, pending re-evaluation. Many of us are very curious to hear of the alleged threat to use the BOI as a means of extortion, whether it is acknowledged, denied, or put in a different light. If not already done, I would notify ASF that you started an inquiry here.