FaunaClassifieds - View Single Post - Translucent calyptratus, your opinions.
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Old 01-27-2006, 12:02 PM   #11
Originally Posted by Chris Anderson
Photos of the juveniles can be seen here: http://www.chamaeleo.com/calyptratus/
Photos of adults can be seen here: http://reptilienzuechter.de/index.php?id=35&L=1

My concern with these animals is how they are going to take and react to UVB radiation in the areas void of pigmentation. This pieball like morph is one thing in snakes that do not require UVB radiation for calcium pathways but I feel this could potentially be a highly deleterious genetic defect. I'm all for maintaining a select few of these bloodlines around, outbreeding them and over time, determining exactly how prone to problems they are but I fear that if this new morph jumps into the spot of the new "in" mutation, the future metabolic and/or skin conditions in these animals could be serious and result in high loses unless they are seriously worked with prior to being mass produced. To me, the price tag seems to indicate more of an attempt to start a breeding frenzy and get rich then to set up a situation where it is determined just how to deal with the potential conditions these chams may face BEFORE they are mass produced. Just my opinion...

that was just what I wrote, guess your english is just better then mine.

another thing is that, we have never seen them in the nature, and that is enough answer to me.