FaunaClassifieds - View Single Post - Looking for some advice!
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Old 03-02-2006, 02:35 PM   #4
A couple of things may be the cause for her to stop or not eat since you have owned her. So I will ask a few questions and maybe we can help.

When you purchased her, were you informed that she was eating pinkies?
What size enclosure is she in?
What is the temperature you have for a hot side and the cold side of the enclosure?
Are you feeding live or frozen thawed pinkies?
Are you going to feed her in the cage or use a feed box(paper bag, shoe box, etc.)?

A rule of thumb when you bring home a new snake, give them at least a week to be alone in their cage without being disturbed. This will give them a chance to relax and get used to the new place. The stress level she is at could be very high, I would suggest not handling her for at least a week before you try feeding again. Until then let us go over these questions.