FaunaClassifieds - View Single Post - Why do people....... More.....
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Old 03-04-2006, 12:16 AM   #355

This thread is like the energizer bunny, it just keeps going, and going, AND GOING!!!!

It started off as a thread on anthropomorphism and drifted into behavioral and instinct discussions, which then somehow drifted into dinsours and evolution, and religion. This of coarse sparked an inevitable debate over the two subjects and has continued for most of the remaining thread. I stopped reading somewhere on page 50-something.

Now i am not going to start any arguments, and if what i say does insult anyone DEAL WITH IT, thats life, sometimes you have to eat the your given.

Life is full of mysteries, some of which we will never understand. Our origin is not something that can be immediately proven without further evidence. So arguing over something this controversial in reality is just meaningless. Humans will always disagree, that is our NATURE, our INSTINCT! We all have our beliefs and we all stand by them with an iron will. This is why no one will ever agree, regardless of the fantasies we all have of a harmonious world where everyone gets along.

Although i wish a world like this could exist, it will not, that is human nature. Believe me i respect everyone and i wish that everyone would just get along and be happy. I rarely if ever try to make anyone mad intentionally. But seriously people simmer down and just let it go. That's life just deal with it.

If any one is offended by what i have said, i am sorry for that, sometimes when a huge subject like this catches my eye i just get a little fired up.