FaunaClassifieds - View Single Post - Status check and poll on recent crack down
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Old 03-18-2006, 04:22 PM   #178
Rich I will admit that I have not read the entire post but what I did have time to read and process:

Getting rid of the warning systems as it is and going to the cornsnake type is unfair to previous suspended and paid to be back members.

I think the points should be public, it kinda gives you an idea of the person you are dealing with, as for me and mine, you can tell that when angry or when I feel backed into a corner I attack, re-act and sometimes call names, if that were mod info only, well, I don't know.

I also have no problem with my warning points, I earned them, not in a proud way but they do remind me that I have to watch my steps with how I act.

Ill read more later and see if I have more input, just not much time today.