FaunaClassifieds - View Single Post - Big Cat Sightings in Australia...
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Old 03-18-2006, 08:39 PM   #10
Wild cats in unnatural settings isnt a myth. Back in the 70's it was the in thing to own big cats as pet. In the 80s when the laws where changed and you could no longer won big cats without permits,instead of being fined big time,people let them loose. Cats like lynxes (bobcats) were found in the UK and this is a north american species of cat. No records or them getting loose from zoos or private owners with permits,but they were readily breeding in Britian. There have also been spotings of black panthers in Britian,but being they are more of a tropical species,not nearly as many spottings reported,my guess is they couldnt handle the cold climate to hunt profitably in the winter months.