FaunaClassifieds - View Single Post - Fl.International Reptile Show?
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Old 03-22-2006, 09:46 AM   #25
I think it is very important we all understand that this is a CONDITIONAL reinstatement of the dates. Rourke is quite correct that it was simply too late to sell the dates.
Make no mistake. The posts of cancellation were not lies as Tony is telling people.
When you call to confirm you can also confirm that the show had been cancelled.
It was their words "100% cancelled"
Take note it IS NOT back on their calender. They will not put it back until Tony has paid in full.
He has until next Weds to do so.
Do not believe the hype. You need to be very cautious here.
Note also that there was no full page ad in this month's Reptiles Mag.
The only attendees will be Sun & Fun folks who will have no way of keeping a purchase as they attend other aspects of the show.
If you give money and it does not happen you know you'll have a pretty slim chance of ever seeing it again.
Good Luck,