FaunaClassifieds - View Single Post - Top Shelf Exotics (Inquiry)
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Old 04-15-2006, 08:06 PM   #1
Question Top Shelf Exotics (Inquiry)

Does anyone have any current feedback on TSE? I purchased 1.1 100% het for pied in the first part of January. I honored the payment plan that Chris was kind enough to offer me. I knew that the weather would be a factor in the timing of shipping, and I read his terms on the website. Having said that, I still haven't gotten the snakes. The weather has been optimal for shipping, for at least a couple of weeks. Someone named Glen replied to an email I sent around 4/7, and while he said the right things and assured me the only hold up was their concern for the snakes, and the number of orders they had to fill, my BS meter has started to raise an early warning signal. This posting is in no way meant to demean them, or to accuse them of any misdeed. I am just getting concerned, and would like some input from others who might have dealt with them recently.

Sincerely, Bob England