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Old 04-28-2006, 11:53 AM   #28
Originally Posted by Ecox310
ok i will post pics of each animal. and i bought out his business befor he preposed to me. and he has sold some things right befor i bought him out. so i know thats not the issue with him. and yes i bought him out and told him that the only way sees any money from the snakes if they produce. if they dont produce he has to rely on some other income. other then our relationship there is no longer a connection from him to the snakes other then a care giver and breeder. basicly he works for me and gets paid accordingly.
Your post shows you writing from Texas. If that is where you settle and marry, it is a community property state. What that means is that absent special circumstances, whether the incoming money is profits or salary, it still belongs to both of you, so why would you pay a salary? It does not remove liability, under respondeat superior, an employer is still liable for the acts of his employees, so I guess I do not understand exactly the point of what is being done here.