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Thread: indigo eggs
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Old 05-11-2006, 08:02 PM   #2
Sorry we didn't meet sooner! Welcome. We need some new blood! Where have you been hiding?

This is my second year. It did seem to take forever. My girl laid April 28. Looks like 10 good ones, and a couple probable slugs. My other girl died from egg binding complications a couple weeks before that. But she gave me at least 1 good egg before she bound up. That's it for me this year. As for next year,...I don't know if I'm gonna breed her 3 years running. I do have a huge male stud though. Very fertile! And I would like to work out some kind of breeding loan with someone. If someone would loan me a female next year, I'd hook them up, and maybe get a baby or two back from that. Or let me just keep her, and I'll give you all the babies. Whatever works. That way we could both diversify our gene pool a bit. Drop me an e-mail if you're interested. How come we never heard of you before?
P.S. your pic didn't make it.