FaunaClassifieds - View Single Post - indigo eggs
Thread: indigo eggs
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Old 05-12-2006, 09:20 AM   #4
Welcome aboard, Jeff..

It's great to hear of other's having success with the species, especially those who have not been within the mainstream, I know there are quite a few more out there too!
Sounds as though you have had some great success with the captive husbandry of our beloved D. couperi and I would love to hear more about your experiences, such has hatch rates and where your breeding age indies originated from.
Again, it is great to see you posting here!
By the way, if you are using Microsoft, you should be able to alter the size of the photo you wished to post, to match formatting capabilities. If not, feel free to forward to me directly and I will be happy to post such for you...

Tony, I have been out of pocket as of late, as the semester is winding down, which means the flow of final exams and semester papers are being dealt with. Anyhow, I will call you this weekend and perhaps we can establish a date to hit the river and wet some flies!

Best regards,
