FaunaClassifieds - View Single Post - Tangerine Carrot-tail Designer (Florida strain)???
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Old 05-17-2006, 02:05 AM   #14
Originally Posted by Dan Lubinsky
Bill Brandt at The Gourmet Rodent in Florida has been producing a great number of geckos since the early 90s and is to my knowledge the first to have produced the superhypos. Ray Hine's animals are acknowledged to have originated from Bill's stock. The earlier TFH leopard gecko books, Vivarium and Reptiles magazines all have done articles showing Bill's supers years before we'd ever heard of Ray Hines or Urban. Just as Ron gets the well deserved credit for producing the first pattern morphs it's nice to see Bill and Marcia recognized for their work.
Hi Dan,
You are 100% correct in stating, “it’s nice to see Bill and Marcia recognized for their work”. Super Hypo Tangerine Leopard Geckos would not be any where near as nice as they are if it wasn’t for Bill and Marcia. You are however leaving out a few people. I am including a quote from a page I am working on that gives my history in keeping Leopard Geckos. It includes a few more of the pioneers. –

“In 1994 Kathy and I attended our very first National Reptile Breeders Convention. The show was still held in Orlando then. We could not believe the size of it and it still brings awe to me when I think of the incredible animals that are available there each year. That year I got to meet the top Leopard Gecko breeders in the country. At that time there were really only four of them. That would be Bill and Marcia Brant of the Gourmet Rodent, our fearless leader here on Fauna, Serpenco’s own Rich Zuchowski and his wife Connie, (actually Connie was the Leopard Gecko caretaker but I will include him just to be nice), Ron Tremper (who needs no introduction), and someone many of you may not know about, Doug Barr. Many of you may know about Doug from his caging and show display business but at that time he was responsible for creating much of the Hypo Hi Yellow Leopard Gecko stock that are the basis for all of the Hypo Tangerine’s now available.”

By the way, here is the picture of one of Bill's early Hypos from the Hunziker book you talk about in your next post.