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Old 05-25-2006, 11:17 AM   #3
Lightbulb Words of wisdom from Wes...

I actually think there was a thread started somewhere of just quotes from Wes. I came across this one while looking for something else:

Originally Posted by Wilomn
I ate an apple once.

I ate an orange once.

Both sustained me.

I liked the orange better.

You're like an apple.

I don't like you.

Oranges have been known to SEVERELY treat errant apples. Going so far, on occasion, as the verbally give them the drubbing they so rightfully deserve in person.

Oranges are generally more intelligent than apples having not only mental dexterity to a MUCH higher degree but the ability to see that even though they ARE smarter than most apples, they are not the smartest of all the fruits.

Apples, being not so very clever as a rule BUT painfully unaware of their lack (always), continually try to assert intellectual domination and quickness of wit is THEIRS alone and not only NOT possessed by the lowly oranges but unable to be conceptualized by such a round fruit.

See the logic there?

They, the apples, have also been known to hurl seedling insults at oranges for growing on trees.

I still like oranges.

And for you, nothing has or ever will change.

I'd HATE to be you, er, an apple.