FaunaClassifieds - View Single Post - corns snakes wanted for sale or trade
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Old 05-27-2006, 11:46 AM   #24
A lot of people use DHL i've seen it on reptile auctions like here http://www.reptileauctions.com/aucti...s.php?id=10429

I dont really know this person and dont know if she is good with reptiles or anything but i dont think you should be judging her you dont really even know her. i have 36 corn snakes and ive bought them for like 3 for 80 shipped and ive seen people post in the classifieds for norms that are $10 and 15. You can tell she prefers people shipping with first day because not many people give you a 7 day health guarentee, so what many people like 2nd day it's their choice and everyone has a different opinion. The point is who are you to judge her you make it seem like your just trying to find flaws to pick at her about so you can act like your better than her. Pretty soon you will probably start picking on me because im not as old and experienced as you and I'm new to the forums.

Do you ever really read what you write? Do you really have that bad of a life you spend your time picking at other peoples flaws and jumping to way off conclusions to make yourself seem better, more experienced, older, and more mature? I saw the same stuff always going on in kids forums growing up.

"I would hardly say you acted like a reasonable adult when you responded. Your reaction was that more resembling a kid. " to you too