FaunaClassifieds - View Single Post - You partner looking at the opposite sex??
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Old 05-30-2006, 01:55 PM   #9
well thats good that you have a good sex life but what about all those people who cant find that "special someone"? to say that porn is just so wrong and that it leads to a miserably failed life is just so onesided. if you dont like it then thats okay. but to a lot of people it actually helps stimulate an active sex life whether with a single person or a couple. sure there will hardly ever be a real life scenario where some hot redhead delivers a pizza to my door and then proceeds to do a striptease while i search for my wallet like a madman, but im sure it has happened to at least one person . not sure about the "go get a towel" thing. i dont think i watched that video.