FaunaClassifieds - View Single Post - Basic garter snake care
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Old 06-01-2006, 09:55 AM   #3
What I would do with my cages is use a small litter pan on one side then use top soil or aspen on the other side. I never had a problem with scale rot etc. I always gave my garters a choice on food due to they were WC. I never kept them as "pets" exactly, I always was more interested in trying to create there natural habitat and examine how they did certain things. They are a very interesting snake. If you know what you are doing, a garter isn't too difficult to take care of, but many people do have problems with them mainly because of there diet. I personally think it is wrong to feed them nothing but mice. Sure, its easier because thats what is readily available, but that is not what makes up there diet in the wild. I have never had a problem feeding frogs etc, especially when store bought or raised myself. Everyone has there way of doing it, this is just my two cents. later