FaunaClassifieds - View Single Post - KelliH and others Banned? Why?
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Old 06-02-2006, 01:57 PM   #62
Originally Posted by shrap
I can understand Rich's feelings about people bashing him and his site, none of us would like it if we were in his shoes. I mean if my next door neighbor bad mouthes me I sure aint invited him into my home and welcoming him with open arms.

I still do not understand the decision on Jeanne though. She didn't say anything bad about Rich or the site. Just that she didn't like Lucille. Jeanne was not a mod here so she was not under any type of obligation. That part just don't make sense to me.

Yeah, I guess I probably shouldn't have banned her, but the damage is done. And honestly I don't feel bad about it at all. Matter of fact I probably should have banned others for the same reason. I just don't WANT those sorts of people HERE. I've worked too damned hard on this site to make it into something to have those destructive personalities eat away at it from within.

Honestly, was I supposed to read that animosity laced thread and just shrug it off, keep those people as moderators here, and welcome them lovingly back into the arms of everyone here? Get real.......

If people hold such animosity towards myself, this site, and any moderators here, then hit the road. I do not want them using this site to further their own ambitions and goals. I do not wish to assist them in any way with the facilities I offer here and with my other sites. Yes you certainly are free to post your true feelings but if you do so in such a way that it is obvious that those words WILL get back to the targets, well then you may have consequences to bear up under. If that concept is difficult to understand, I believe there are medications available that help your cognitive capabilities somewhat.

Those people were posting on a publicly viewable forum so either they maliciously desired for this info to reach the targets over here or they were just too damned stupid to understand that concept. Either way, I really don't want them here. If those are the kind of people Kelly wishes to surround herself with, then I guess the feathers on that bird are not what she portrayed here at all. You ARE known by the company you keep. If it so happens that the majority of the leopard gecko community here feels the same way and desires to be those same birds of a feather, then more power to them. That is their choice to make.