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Old 06-06-2006, 08:34 PM   #1
I Don't Want to Work Tomorrow.

Everyday at work I am put into a situation that may end up causing me to be injured. I work with 8 inch long carbon steel blades during skin cancer surgery that is done at our office. The cancer is given to me to process so it can be read under a microscope, the danger is the tissue I am working on has not been put into formalin which kills off any diseases and such that the person may carry. Cutting myself can happen in the blink of an eye, so I am always cautious to make sure that does not happen.

Tomorrow I get to work on a person that has some real danger. They have HIV Hepatitis A, B, and C. That is a mixture we do not get often at all, infact, over the last 6 years this will be my first patient that has ALL of that combined. Hepatitis can become airborne, simply breathing can cause a person to contract it. So wish me luck and pray for my fingers.