FaunaClassifieds - View Single Post - Anyone have success breeding Prehensile Tailed Skinks?
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Old 06-16-2006, 08:59 PM   #5
Brian - LCRC
Hi Karen,

Let's talk! So many questions & would love to touch base with you. You can e-mail me at lizardmisfits@aol.com. Send your phone # again & I will call you back. I do think your above questions are excellent so I, with the help of Brian, will try to answer a few for the benefit of others here. On copulation, yes they go at it for about a week or two. Not everyday but enough to keep one wondering. I equate it to the female being receptive for this short period of time... kinda like the heat cycle of a female dog for lack of a better analogy. What should be really encouraging to you & soooo cool is that your pair is back at it! On multiple births.... it's like humans. It's a random chance or roll of the dice. There is no pre-determination, as far as I know, on how many babies... Where babies are born?? Normally, for us it's been on the ground floor of the enclosure nearest to water. I'm glad your using the cotton rug!! One day in cleaning you will find your newborn hiding under it. I don't know what it is but all of our babies love these rugs &,it seems, find it a very secure hiding place. The yolk sac is complicated & hard to describe. We'll talk on this issue... ummmm, what else?? We always measure & weigh the baby at birth or as soon as he/she is discovered. After that, the least amount of handling the better so that baby can bond with parents & other members of the circulus. This was the hardest part for me at first. I felt that the baby needed me as much as I needed it in the sense that it feels like it gives you a renewed faith in life about things. Life is life & it's beautiful & Corucia babies are the most adorable little creatures...etc., etc., but... they seem to thrive more with the least amount of handling. They do, however, have a better disposition with humans I think when being captive born. I have no aggressive babies or juveniles. They are so great, can't wait for you to experience it all. Be patient & make sure to make more food available for your female from this point on. I highly reccommend papaya along with all the greens you have been feeding.

Let's talk soon!
