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Thread: Paradigm shift
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Old 06-20-2006, 06:28 PM   #22
Apparently people come here looking for something and just don't find it, then leave.
Maybe this isn't quite what you were getting at Rich, (probably not), but for the record, I very, very rarely post on this site, but use it rather frequently (whenever I am contemplating an internet transaction) -- often I find that using the "search" function finds me what I need to know, and I feel no need to post a new inquiry or make a new post for any real reason. I realize that sellers change, and frequent updates on recent transactions are always a helpful thing, but in many cases users not posting may not be inherently indicative of a failure on the part of this site -- on the contrary, in some way it may indicate a success as long as visitors are still frequent: the information needed is already there to begin with.

As for the debate of "soft vs. hard BOI" -- I feel that as a rarely participatory user, the thing that I find the most distracting is not neccessarily the harshness or crudeness of the regulars towards the current thread "bad guy," but the little side-tracking in-battles that go on between one regular and another. These have been there since long before the original "paradigm shift" of this site, and they are still there, albiet with slightly less derogatory accusations. I can definitely see the point about one's personality being allowed to truly show through only under a more lax regime, and perhaps this comes through the clearest in these little (seemingly pointless) off-topic in-battles. Nonetheless, I feel that it is these little battles that are the most distracting from the true point of the matter (outing "baddies"), not neccessarily the harshness of the regulars towards the accused in a post.

What does this drivel of mine have to do with the immense and rather disturbing topic of Chris at TSE? ... Well, not much really, I mainly just wanted to throw my main gripe out there, for anyone who cared I will say though, sticking on-topic, that I believe Chris's dominating personality thoroughly managed to shine through (under the old, "wild west" regime) well-enough while still staying on-topic.

I guess then my humble suggestion would be an attempt to curb the little pointless off-topic arguements between regular members that seem to tend to take over threads (couldn't such battles be fought via e-mail and private messaging, anyway?) while allowing enough grit and personality of a poster to shine through to reveal his or her true character. IMO, as I have now said ad nauseum, it is these little off-topic rantings that distract from the true point of the Board and discourage actual participation.

Of course, as always, this post is just my opinion, probably a bit less valid given that I often rarely participate in the actual BOI.