FaunaClassifieds - View Single Post - High End Herps (Inquiry)
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Old 06-27-2006, 10:16 PM   #28
The fraction of my idea that you quoted:

Originally Posted by dutchallison00
As far as a lifetime trade in policy or health guarantee, these are not new ideas that this Brian Smith conjured up so therefore he and David Beauchemin must be the same person. Lots of folks have that same policy. I have that same policy.
You went on to say:

I was able to show you where both David and Brian Smith had this similar policy. If you can show me where another credible breeder has this similar policy and guarantee I would really love to see it. I've been around this hobby for 12 + years and it looks very unique to me.
Ben Rogers

The entire idea that I originally posted:

As far as a lifetime trade in policy or health guarantee, these are not new ideas that this Brian Smith conjured up so therefore he and David Beauchemin must be the same person. Lots of folks have that same policy. I have that same policy. The difference is that High End Herps has it detailed in plain english on the homepage of their website for all to see. How can you possibly chastise someone for having a sound and responsible policy as one of the first things you can read on their website?

Please don't use partial sections of something I said to "illustrate" that the statement I made is incorrect. If the difference between High End Herps and the folks I was referring to is that High End Herps posts their trade in policy on their website and others do not, then your request for me to show you evidence that someone on this earth other that HEH and this Brian fellow have it is completely redundant. Such evidence exists in private emails and telephone conversations with several different breeders of large constrictors (Retics, Burms, Afrocks), none of who's name am I going to attach to a BOI thread that you have made negative and absurd. Furthermore I can think of dozens of people off the top of my head who have said to me and others that they would like to breed every species and morph of constrictor. I myself have said it. In fact I think you'd be hard pressed to find a herp enthusiast that you could pose that question to and get an answer of "no" in response. Lastly, two pictures that show absolutely nothing other than that both snakes in them are tiger retics is almost (but not quite) as weak as one random picture of a snake this fellow once owned and how we all will just have to take your word for it that the same one once appeared on High End Herps' website. What a compelling argument you make. If all you intend to do is continue to post conspiracy theories and falsehoods, only to have them ripped apart by the public shortly after, then it seems that it might be a good idea for you to give this wild goose chase up... you're beginning to look like a fool.