FaunaClassifieds - View Single Post - High End Herps (Inquiry)
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Old 06-28-2006, 03:45 AM   #32

Sorry James,
I read your whole post, but other than the post I’ve seen you make on other forums I’ve never known you to be an actual breeder. Not saying you aren’t, I just don’t know you and never looked into it. When did you first start telling people you will take back a customer’s snake that gets to big? What all have you been breeding? BTW, Highendherps is the one who claims his 4 month guarantee is “unheard of”. So, if it’s so common maybe you should talk to him about it. All I know is I don’t see any one else advertising such policies or guarantees, and it looks relevant to me as these two people happen to be the only ones I’ve seen. Like I said, if you can show me otherwise, I would love to see it. Personally, if I was going to buy from someone with these policies and guarantees I would like to know how long they have actually been around. What good is a trade in policy if they aren’t there when you are ready to do so?

As for the pictures, if you look closer, they match scale for scale.

Just curious, how long have you known David? Something tells me it’s been less than a year. I would assume that for everyone that’s posted though.

Ben Rogers