FaunaClassifieds - View Single Post - Albino Ball Python Died!!
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Old 01-28-2003, 08:38 PM   #109
Also, now with these two animals it makes me think Will Slough may have been in the right.
All I read was someone was complaining about a "price drop" wow you proved your point. If I had spider balls.....I would set my prices at whatever price I deem necessary. And people can post away and complain about my "price drop" if they want.

One the trait is not recessive as far as I know.
Two he can set prices to whatever he wants.
Three people can cry about the prices all they want.
Four he had other animals selling at even higher prices....so to me he temporarily sold this one cheaper....he was having a sale? he needed money? who knows. ( I have sold "ugly" animals at way way lower prices than the rest of my collection.)

I have acquired animals that were being sold for 1250
and within months I saw the price drop to only 750
But I will not cry and post about it.
I will also CERTAINLY NOT link to someone else's crying about it.
Last year I saw albino boas being sold for 700 which is about half price (54% drop)......I did not see anyone complain. Actually I saw a couple breeders complain....but that was it.
So Kevin drops the price 30% and someone posts about it and you link to it to prove what again?

Your posts just shows a breeder complaining about his competition dropping prices........so what does your link prove again? maybe I just missed it.

Kevin won't respond to much of anything and nothing first hand. Everything is through somebody else.
Funny you mention it. Because that is exactly what your first POSTS were all about. an animal you did not buy yourself. In fact it took how many pages just to get the other buyer to post?

But I have to be fair.... so here goes.
If Kevin really sold an unhealthy snake.....then shame shame on him to high heaven.
Oh the other hand....as soon as the customer with the 282 gram 2 year old snake received the package, opened it, and saw an unhealthy snake.....why in the world did he not return it?