FaunaClassifieds - View Single Post - is this a desparate business in need of funds?
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Old 08-29-2006, 10:01 PM   #10
It all boils down to the fact that MKR purposely tried to hurt another breeder by dropping the prices so signifigantly.

Will others benefit by the price drop? Sure. But a lot who bought at much higher prices are upset about what was done. It just destroyed the value of the animal that someone may have had to save an entire year to afford.

Dumping 50 mojaves on the market in one week means there is mass production going on and MKR is only motivated by the money.

With MKR, more and more things are surfacing about them everyday.

Personally, I wouldn't buy a lesser from them for $50 just because of who they associate with.

There is more involved than price.
You could have the best animals at the lowest prices but if you associate with some of the lowest people who ever appeared in the herp market, you will not get one penny from me.