FaunaClassifieds - View Single Post - Beware of Jeane Best & Wendy Childs
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Old 09-13-2006, 07:02 PM   #1013
As I have said before and I'll say it again , I have nothing to hide. Yes I went to jail recently on theft charges, there is not yet nor will there ever be a conviction on it. All you have is the jail records. No one in this or any other forum was there on site to know what exactly went down.Nor are there any websites with a story on it. Same way as my old conviction.No one really knows what happened , only that it did happen.I had a sucky attorney who didn't care about winning a case only that he got paid. I served my time , not proudly but none the less I served it. 1 year and 3 months locked up and 1 year on paper. Never once failed a drug screen or a breath test, and I never will. You all talk as if it were armed robbery or something. Big deal , I unlawfully entered a house and stole back what was stolen from me to begin with.Only thing was ,I got caught.

History about me that you all don't know- My father was a cop, back in the early 70's but he was still a cop. I knew what I was doing was against the law.I knew it was wrong to enter that house, but the stuff I took was stuff that was taken from myself and the law did nothing to return it to me so I went and retrieved it myself.

These new charges ain't going to amount to crap, and when its all done and overwith you will see.

Dennis, I didn't mean to accuse you of attacking me. I know that you were just bringing up the facts of my new case. Its no big deal. I had no influence on the kids in doing what they had done ,nor did I encourage it. They had their reasons for trying to pull that crap off what ever reasons they were. They know what I think about that kind of activity and they are now in trouble for it.And no Jim, I never thought that the cops wouldn't have stuck them in juvie, in fact , thats what I was hoping for. Maybe if they would have had a little scare put into their hearts they would straighten up. Their natural father is the scum bag that taught them that you can get away with thieving from WalMart , not me.

And Jim , if mug shots are what you are looking for then look my name up with the following: Leavenworth Co. KS , Elsworth Correctional Facility KS, Buchanan Co MO, Wyandot Co Ks. That ought to give you a few to jerk off to seeings how you have a hard on for me.