FaunaClassifieds - View Single Post - Juan Infante. BAD GUY
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Old 10-21-2006, 11:18 PM   #1
Juan Infante. BAD GUY

My name is Damon Gasporra and i am a small breeder in SoCal. Juan was a friend of mine for several years with whom i have done many dealings. About seven months ago Juan told me he had a customer that wanted a pair of pastel jungle balls and asked me if i had any available. I told him i had a pair of yearlings i would part with for $1300. He ran the price by his customer and the deal was set. I met Juan to give him the snakes to deliver to the customer and he was to pay me after he picked up the money from the customer.(as i have done with Juan many times before) I even went so far as to knock the price down to $1200 so Juan could make more money on the deal. I haven`t seen Juan since. Juan hasn`t returned my calls for six months. I am now taking the proper legal actions to get my money. If Juan is willing to do this to a "friend", i don`t know what he is willing to do to a total stranger. Thanks for your time.