FaunaClassifieds - View Single Post - IBD Allen belcher/Big daddys wholesale
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Old 11-05-2006, 04:11 PM   #5
Originally Posted by Cat_72
Doug, the problem is that no one knows for certain HOW it is spread, and there is a possiblity it very well COULD be airborne.
This is true it comes like a theif in the night

Originally Posted by Cat_72
Laura Fopiano lost her collection to IBD as well, putting down even snakes that did NOT test positive, but without knowing exactly how it was spread.....well, she did what she felt had to be done to protect others from this horrible disease. I have more respect than I can voice for Laura, BW, and others that have gone through such a nightmare, and thought more of the safety of others than their own attachment to the animals as well as their financial losses.
Yes I got the phone call the day this happened..And I remember crying ( yes men cry).....People put everything they have into these animals, Their hopes, thier dreams, Time, money, Just to have some selfish prick come along, and not care what their animals have and, pass them on to kill it all

Originally Posted by Cat_72
I can't imagine how someone could be so oblivious to the pain and damage that they could be doing to others with their "denial" as Allen is.
Cat it's called "Greed".
Originally Posted by Bill_Leverton
Jamie,First off no pitch fork in this hand I can only look at this from a Boa owners point, If I sold a boa that had IBD I would have to have each and every one of boas my checked. If say 10 out my 40 came up positive guess what 40 are going to be put down and start all over again,(Which would bite) These diseases come like thieves in the night, and the only way to stop it is find the cure or put down, and seeing as there is no cure Guess what the option is.Selling an animal that may have a potential of killing off other wise healthy ones, is just down right ignorant.

This came from another thread, where there is a disease running through the B.D community. People like this need to be stopped, But how ??? people will keep buying from people like this and in turn pass it on to some else...