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Old 11-22-2006, 09:32 AM   #94
Originally Posted by Chameleon Company
Had dinner to kick some thoughts around. Blame me, blame whoever. Blame won't fix things. As the old quote goes "the only thing necessary for the triumph of evil in America is for good men (and women) to do nothing" ..... Edmund Burke, Irish politician and philosopher in the late 1700's. Everyone who posts with any regularity, and that includes many who have posted in this thread, know the flare-ups when they see them. So do something about it !! Lets use a football analogy. Boys will be boys, and those of us that enjoy the game like it when the ref's let us play a bit. But there are fouls that have to be called. Let people disagree, even if they are adamant about it. But when the name calling starts, to include all the "cutesy" spelling, then jump in ! If for no other purpose than to throw the yellow flag. Throw some negative karma if you will, which is behind the scenes, but make a post, pointing out the foul. [SIZE=3]I'm not saying to join the "play", but if you see a flame war starting, and lament it, then do something. And I don't mean just saying "stop it boys". Go right to the first entity that threw the insult, or took it to the gutter. Smack them.[/size]

The BOI, and other parts of this forum, are great places for disagreement. If it ends up in the gutter, then blame yourself for letting it happen.
Jim this is exactly why threads end up being drawn out. Who is guilty of starting "smack" is subjective and usually ends up in a pissing match, which would explain why you happen to be involved several more than the average. I think this stance is why I get so irritated as this is more gasoline to the fire, but then again you know that.