FaunaClassifieds - View Single Post - Shrillomn, a brief expose
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Old 12-05-2006, 06:17 PM   #75
Chameleon Company
That "Pez" has chosen to hide behind the cloak of anonymity is worthy of some ridicule, but relative to many others here, only a smidgen. While the rest of us are known entities (I think), many are able to go a bit over-the-top in their use of the forums to attack others because they might as well be as an unknown. Take Wes as an example. Or as "the" example. He has very little expectation that he will ever actually face any of the entities he trashes. As for possibly alienating future customers, sorry but he's not risking much there either.

John and Mike I salute you. In recent threads, MG Reptiles and Ali@Crazy Cresties to name two, you stepped forward to point out that in one case Wes "invented" facts in order to then use them to bash another poster, and in the other decided to make the usual ASSumptions and bash another. While we all make mistakes and post inaccuracies at times, it was clear that Wes fabricated information. Once you pointed such out, in both threads Wes ran backwards faster than I have ever seen, to a comical degree. Not surprisingly, the threads also became much more civil from that point on.

I owe you a round of your favorite adult beverage for this one John ....
The rather effective needling at Wes "Shoot First and Get the Facts Later" Pollock was just an unexpected bonus.
...... as I need to spread more karma around before I can pop you a couple of those dingleberries. One or two more quotes like that though, and you can join me on Wes' "Ignore" list