FaunaClassifieds - View Single Post - This sends the wrong message
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Old 12-08-2006, 08:50 PM   #7
So a place that takes in a rescue, then advertises that rescue saying to look for it in their photo gallery, where you will see these pictures is OK?

These other places did not post to go to their gallery where you will see these pictures to look at the animal they rescued and are now adopting out.

Sorry but they know what poor judgement and improper care and misinformation can do to a reptile and the general public that wants to ban reptile ownership. Posting pictures like that, no matter what "waiver" they add, is irresponsible.

People will see those pictures after being directed there looking for a snake to adopt, not care what it represents, and think it would be cool to freehandle hots. They may like the pretty colors instead of the duller colors on the boa and think, hey, these people can do this, why can't I? It happens. People do stupid things, get bit, and the rest of the community suffers as a consequence.