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Old 12-28-2006, 06:52 AM   #1
Cage building question...

I am going to be building a cage for my boas.. About 4' x 2' x 18"... maybe a little bigger. I will be building it out of Melamine.. I know, heavy, but I will have wheels, and I don't forsee me having to move it out of my basement anytime soon, and If i need to move it out of the house, it will be put together with screws, so I can take it apart. My question is... what do I use to provide heat for the snakes when they are in it? Do i heat it with Flexwat on the inside for belly heat? Melamine is kind of thick, so heating from underneath is a little hard... I am not a HUGE fan of bulbs, and use pads exclusively at the moment. What is a good option to heat a cage this size? Thanks in advance for the help...