FaunaClassifieds - View Single Post - High End Herps (Inquiry)
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Old 01-11-2007, 12:23 PM   #194
Just how I feel...

To me anytime spent talking about my reptiles or the people who have them is never wasted. If you guys drive David's business into the ground then where do my reptiles end up? I like the fact that I know exactly where they are right now, and that I dont have to worry. Now dont get me wrong, if his business gets justifibly run into the ground, so be it, but I will not stand back and watch it go down due to accusations and coincidences. I agree there is a lot of coincidences, but everyone is conected to everyone one way or another and whether we like it or not. That being said, I hope that David will come on here and put this to rest, and I have emailed him to that affect as well. I understand why he doesnt want to, because it seems some of you, and this is not directed at you Jim, want to see him fall no matter what and will not be satisfied by any answer. It has become the pack mentality in here and perhaps he does not wish to throw himself idly to the wolves. Just my opinion. Take care all, Dan M.