FaunaClassifieds - View Single Post - Repashy diets for cresteds and gargoyles
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Old 01-12-2007, 01:41 PM   #2
OK, there are now 2 types of CGD, and 1 of GGD. I put a price list below. I do not carry the Leachie diet yet, but I will be shortly. I don't normally carry the larger GGD, because so few people have a lot of Gargoyles, but if I know you'd like it, I will get it for you.

Please note that the prices below are retail, and do not include shipping.
I also sell the repashy book for $35.

Note that you may pre order any Repashy food item, and I will be more than happy to get it for you. Deposit may apply on large or unusual orders.

CGD type 1
4oz $9
8oz $13
16oz $20
32oz $30
64oz $50 (not in stock)

GGD (Note: Leachie diet is the same price)
4oz $9
8oz $13
16oz $20 (not in stock)
32oz $30 (not in stock)
64oz $50 (not in stock)

New nectar style diet
This diet comes in 2 parts, a base that you mix with a nectar. I've found my animals eat a bit more of this though. I personally use this once my males have bred the females. I take the males out, and put this in with the calcium suppliment, because I know the females will knock it all down.

Nectar mix (I don't have too many of these left right now) Flavors available currently are Apricot, Mango, and Strawberry. I will have the other 9 flavors available soon.
4oz $8
8oz $11 (not in stock)
16oz $18 (not in stock)
32oz $27 (not in stock)
64oz $48 (not in stock)

Base Mix for the nectars
4oz $10
8oz $15
16oz $22 (not in stock)
32oz $34 (not in stock)
64oz $54 (not in stock)