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Old 01-22-2007, 01:42 PM   #100
Originally Posted by DThomas
But then he would be chastized for being subjective and excluding certain members. He has made a level playing field for all members in this category. So now, when they do screw up and I am sure a few will, all of the evidence that will be used to remove them will be there for all to see. No subjectivity will be involved but of course there will be some I told you so's.

Rich already has all of the information he needs to be exclusive. Nothing like rewarding those who have already proven themselves incompetent.

I just sold one of my boa's for $1000 over the weekend. I am going to take that $1000 and send it out to the top 10 worst Karma users on the Fauna board in $100 increments. This way, each of them can have the keys to the castle as well. Sure, Rich will benefit from receiving $1000 but will the site? Would the site be better off? This is starting to become less and less about the site....


PS It will be the top 10 worst DESERVED karma recipients vs those who got thrust down into the pits in one swoop....