FaunaClassifieds - View Single Post - One More Reason to Test for Adenovirus
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Old 01-28-2007, 02:59 AM   #58
Josh, my opinion on this is the same as Dr Jacobson and Dr Wentz, want to tell us why you personally have a problem with that and want to make it me having a personal agenda for agreeing with them and not supporting those who sell them to an unsuspecting public? WHO really has a personal agenda here and why?

People are not going to just blind accept someone saying everything is fine, give me your money or pushing something down their throat, and blowing smoke. More are going to be like Denise now that they are aware this is going on out there, do their own checking and come to their OWN conclusions and I am glad they are!

As for the "exotic" morphs you claim is inaccurate, my info comes from Paul Morlock of CaptiveCreations and Retail Sales Rep. for Sandfire Dragon Ranch, most of it was posted openly on Kingsnake.com and many people here will remember it. You can probably find it in the archives there.. so you need to take up with him "who got the whole morph going" as this was long before anyone heard of you and he claimed it was him.

And there are plenty that have tested positive for adenovirus, I know you are aware of that. So what part is inaccurate? If anything is not as Paul said or owners that have tested are not positive, please let me know and I will check it further. who knows, maybe he lied on a public forum, although I can not see why he would about admitting that the early translucent were sickly, died young or did not thrive unless it were true, who would make up something like that and no where in talking about them does he mention you being the one "who got the whole morph going".. either way it does not matter to me.

I decided to save you and others that want to verify my comments so time, since you have stated they are not accurate, here are some of them from Mr Morlock about the early translucent.
Original trans not surviving to adulthood
http://forums.kingsnake.com/viewarch...56384&key=2003 FROM 2003
The animals we purchased were actually a group (the whole clutch), not just one. Out of that group only 2 animals displayed the gene. Unfortunately those 2 animals did not make it to adulthood. The remaining animals were split into 2 groups. One group bred to the Sandfire line, and the other to our hypo/pastel line. The resulting hets were then bred and the offspring are the animals that we have been selling
More not surviving to adulthood
That same year I know of 3 other breeders who also hatched translucets, one each. Unfortunately for them they did not make to adulthood. This leads me to believe this trait is much more widespread
He is asked about more than the normal amount of them not surviving
Posted by: CheriS at Sun Nov 23 20:32:03 2003 [ Email Message ]

The other breeder I know of had two hatch like this last year, one of each sex, the female did not survive, the male did so far as I know. Does it seem that there are more than the normal amount of them that are not surviving?
Posted by: paulmorlock at Sun Nov 23 22:22:10 2003 [ Email Message ]

True, that's the main reason we have spent 2 years producing hets, to get that trait into healthy animals
Sure looks to me like there were some serious thriving problems there since they were dying! If sibling were breed to other lines and those offspring then breed back together, that inbreeding