FaunaClassifieds - View Single Post - One More Reason to Test for Adenovirus
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Old 01-28-2007, 05:11 AM   #60
Originally Posted by Junkyard
Speaking with a few people myself, it seems that false positive tests have popped up with this virus as well as false negatives. Until a truly accurate test is created, it will be very difficult to get a handle on the situation. I need to make a few contacts about this virus.
Does this refer to the PCR testing as well as the fecal testing?

I am thinking now, Iowa State University has one of the best veterinary science programs in the country, perhaps there would a contact there that would be a good person for me to get ahold of. If nothing else, maybe someone there could walk my local vet (who does not deal much with reptiles, but is very willing to learn, and is a darn good guy in general) through the PCR procedure. Best case scenario, perhaps there is someone there that can help me sort through all of this mess and get to the matter at heart - just what is killing these dragons and what we can ALL do to help stop it.

We can run around and point fingers all day, both good and bad....God knows I'd like to know who is responsible for bringing this to the near "epidemic" level it is now. If those who face major financial losses would have taken the initiative as Tere has BEFORE it got to this point and done something, none of us would be in this position today. This is very true, but it's too late to do anything about that now.

I think at this point, if possible, we need to try to focus on working together to find something that can be done about it NOW. Some, obviously, think they have too much at stake to admit there IS a problem in their colonies. Stop nitpicking and worrying about he said/she said.....the rest of us all need to get off from our butts and DO SOMETHING, before it's too late.