FaunaClassifieds - View Single Post - One More Reason to Test for Adenovirus
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Old 01-28-2007, 08:25 PM   #71
Once again you're jumping the gun, and making assumptions without having the full story. I started working with a group of 2.2 trans that were imported from germany in December of 2000. At the time I was a full time employee of sandfire, and breeding dragons on the side. Bob and allen both decided that it was best for me to raise these trans indoors because of the fear of the sun killing them. These origional trans were not "sickly", but were suffering from mbd, had some vision problems, and had this odd goofy-like stance. Later in 2001, I got one of the males to breed to an orange female, and produced some suprisingly healthy hets, with a few having corkscrew tails and kinked backs. I gave sandfire half of the babies, and kept the other half for myself. These hets were bred to each other the following year, which is inbreeding, but I needed to in order to produce them. This same year, I got one of the female trans imports to lay a clutch of eggs fathered by a hypo male. Every one of the babies in the clutch had corkscrew tails and/or crooked backs except for one male. In 2003, I bred the two semi-unrelated hets together which produced the trans Sandfire was selling at daytona that year. Paul Morlock took six trans for himself, two were trades with his lines, and the remaining four were never paid for. Later that year, Paul disappeared, and neither bob or I have heard from him since. Paul did produce a few trans from a group of hypos which is mainly what he is referring to. The hets that I got from him on trade both died, and as far as I know, he was never able to get his line up and going. His trans were hypotrans(trans with clear nails). The trans I started off with were normal trans, like what most of them are today. The reason why I didn't put myself out in the open is mainly because I was working for another breeder, and didn't want to create a "conflict of interest". I have a lot of respect for bob, and wouldn't want to ruin our relationship. The main problem with the trans, and why it's taken me so long to have many of them available is because I had to remove as many negative traits as I could. Do my transluscents look sickly?
Cheri, as what was posted before, you need to refer people to the breeder rather than everyone getting third party info from you. "This I know you know" garbage is just your way of trying to intimidate people. This would be like me saying that "I know that you know that breeders are also testing positive for corona virus, along with adeno". Did I just open a can of worms?! Josh