FaunaClassifieds - View Single Post - One More Reason to Test for Adenovirus
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Old 01-28-2007, 11:20 PM   #78

I am sorry that you having to deal with more potential problems, at least this answers for you maybe some of the reasons that your dragons kept having problems. There are many innocent victim owners and also the dragons too out there. Hopefully with improved husbandry and keeping stress and other parasites at bay, along with the use of immune builders these dragons have still have full rich lives.

A lot of the newer breeders really did not have any idea they could have potential problems and are shocked when test come back positive and there are some that have dragons that appear healthy and thriving, but are positive. I will keep fingers crossed that yours can get on a better health footing and be as normal as possible and have an average life span, there are some that are doing that and doing it well
First off my name is Sandy. Could you explain better husbandry?? I follow what is recommended to the tee. My problems started when we received Magick. My vet even said so. I would love to improve my husbandry. How? They both have good Mega Ray EB lights. Both are on either shelf lining or pads that get tossed daily. No poo in tanks. Fed healthy feeders that are dusted with Rep Cal CA without phos. or D. Gets salads daily. They have a 12 on 12 off lights. Sleep in bins so I can clean their homes. Are never stressed unless they are not feeling good. Daily bathes. I personally spent tons of time rehabbing Magick and if I remember correctly you thought her tail was infected which it was not. I did nothing differently to get Magick back on track. She was shipped with mbd and her tail was freshly cut. I dipped it in betadine for weeks per the vet. He took a picture of it because he could not believe it when he seen it. If when you read this and something in my husbandry is off please inform me. I have always respected your judgements but this time I think you are off the mark. Oh, I wash their veg in vineager water and rinse like crazy to kill any bacteria. I don't feed them silkies as that was the feeder Magick ate when she got sick and the feeder Semi ate when he stopped eating. No more, I am not going to justify my beardies came to me sick or my husbandry. I take my beardies in for fecals and appointments and have spent thousands in vet bills.