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Old 02-18-2007, 09:46 PM   #64
Originally Posted by SoulSmilen
LMAO.. omg, this is getting more and more hilarious and ridiculous. I can call it anything I see fit??? No, I wasn't wrong, where did that come from? I knew it was Chris who gave the points the whole time, and never said it was you. You can't see where I thought your post was arguing for the warning being warranted? That's it.. no more, no less.

And good grief, I didn't say you had anything to do with others giving points or that it had anything to do with you, where on earth did that come from???? Whether you are intentionally twisting or your reading comprehension is way off, I have no clue; however, I will bow to your greatness and give this one to you as a win. Feel better?
Denise, I did not know you hated the truth so bad. Here is one:

You've got to be kidding... Sledgehammer gets a warning when Bobby was the first one to try to steer the thread to a bad guy thread? Ben, shame, SHAME on you.. you should have cowered and sat there taking it like a doormat since it was a moderator you were replying to. Tsk tsk.
But the fact was made, I had nothing to do with his warnings here.

Mike can certainly speak for himself, but I think he was talking about Bobby's reply to my post arguing that the points were warranted, regardless of who issued them.

They weren't warranted, and if they are, then Bobby needs points, too.
Yea, ok you were not wrong....

I don't care if one likes Sledgehammer or not, this was pretty blatant and one-sided; not so different from several other threads where 'liked' members' posts are being overlooked and the not-so-popular ones are being slammed with points. Yeah, I know... several of you will say I'm whining and snicker waiting for me to get hit with more and more warning points or bad karma.

Keep up the tight little circle with the popularity contest and cliques; it makes Fauna look so good.

(I can see the replies now: "If you don't like Fauna so much, go someplace else", etc. Save it.. there's a lot of knowledge on this site and I'm here because there are people I respect.)
Well, you said it, not me. I do see that you have a real problem with admitting when you are wrong. No twisting?