FaunaClassifieds - View Single Post - Is this what I think it is? (PTS ejaculate??)
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Old 02-24-2007, 12:05 AM   #1
Is this what I think it is? (PTS ejaculate??)

Ok, I may sound like a dork here, but I just have to ask those in the know.

I have two PTS's, one a confirmed female, the other unknown (here as known as "unk"!)

They appear to hate each other and are kept in separate enclosures.

To determine the sex of the unknown, I was given some advice to introduce the female into the unk's enclosure since the female is the more aggressive (and bigger) of the two. This would give the other PTS an opportunity to be on it's own turf and perhaps give it a better chance against the female.

My goal would be to breed if the unk turned out to be male, and if they got along without bloodshed.

Tonite when I put the female in, the unk was def more aggressive. He/she came out and went after the female. There was less biting than usual, and the female even backed down at some point. I only kept them together for a few minutes.

Here's the rub: during the interaction, the unk went into it's water dish. After I removed the female, I removed the dish thinking the unk had peed in it.

But what was in there, upon closer inspection, did not look like pee.

Ok, it looked like ejaculate. Oy.

I took some pix, but my server is down. I'll post them tomorrow if needed.

So, am I crazy or is this what I think it is?

The WillaWoman